About Liv Ford
Hey, nice to meet you.
Growing up, I used to play with my grandfather’s old Polaroid Spectra camera. I first seriously picked up a camera, my grandfather’s Canon T3i, when I was 12. My fascination with the smallest details in my grandfather’s garden pushed me to want to capture them. I learned a little bit about digital photography through playing around with settings and decided to go back to the basics of analogue photography in order to truly understand how components of light and exposure come together. It was in this experiment, I found my passion for film.
The risk of having one opportunity to get the frame exactly as you visualize it is thrilling. This allows me to develop concepts or throughout an entire roll of film or to tell small snippets over the course of a few frames to create a complete story. I find this vignetting gives viewers a glimpse into the narrative of the role while still allowing them to fill in details to write their own stories within my work. The give-and-take intent of my work grants me the freedom to experiment with different styles of photography and learn various technical skills while striving to master the ones I already have.
Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.